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  • Writer's pictureDigital Coffee Break

Website Up and Running

Finally got around to making an actual website. This site will serve as a sort of dev-log for whatever projects I am working on, of which I will post regular updates. It will also be a kind of 'hub' for actually finding the projects I upload online, and link them all to one place, either that would be projects within game development, 3d modeling, 3d printing, prop-making, videos, or otherwise. All of these things I will post about in this section, and maybe also dedicate a page for on the site.



These updates will usually not be too long, unless I feel especially eager toward a subject, or think others might find special interest in it. Anyways, speaking of keeping it short, it's past midnight and I'm really tired, and I should wrap this website-making up and get to bed. Tomorrow I will upload some game stuff I've been working on, so stay tuned.


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